Parents » Student Handbook

Student Handbook

Behavior Standards of Three Rivers Charter School:

Social interactions occur in positive circumstances when students are taught that their actions affect themselves and others. We will be using these character traits to build and strengthen your child’s positive community values throughout the year in all that we do.



  • Self–awareness and understanding
  • Self–confidence and self-esteem
  • Responsibility for one’s actions and choices
  • Intent versus impact
  • Autonomy and self-reliance
  • Integrity



  • Capacity to initiate, develop, and maintain satisfying relationships
  • Interpersonal skills: communication, negotiation, and cooperation
  • Respect for others
  • Capacity to understand another’s perspective



  • Capacity to function harmoniously and effectively with others
  • Responsibility and sensitivity as a group member
  • Concern for the common good of the group
  • Propensity to contribute to the welfare of the group
  • Sense of social responsibility
  • Positive leadership



This learning community will provide a safe environment in which students are treated fairly using a clear and consistent system of justice. Students will be notified of the core values and procedures by which the school is governed and the process by which discipline may be involved. The on-site administrator and the staff of Three Rivers Charter School has authority and control over a student at school during the regular school day, at any school-related activity, regardless of time or location, and while being transported in authorized vehicles. 


If a student engages in behavior that is disruptive, unsafe or illegal, or disrupts the learning process in the classroom or outside of the classroom, the school has the responsibility to take steps to stop the behavior. Sometimes these steps will include quiet study time, reflection, processing with all involved, and/or a conference with parents/guardians, staff, and the student. These steps may occur inside or outside the classroom. There will always be an attempt to teach positive and expected behaviors of TRCS students.

Guidelines for Success


Be Safe

Be Kind

Be Responsible 

All the time, everywhere

+ Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself

+Stay in assigned area

+Watch where you walk - be aware of others

+Report problems to staff

+Use positive and appropriate language - we are an upper elementary and middle school building

+Be polite by using words like “please” and “thank you”

+Use a voice and volume that fits the space

+Follow adult directions the first time asked 

+Put trash and recycling in appropriate containers

+Get to where you’re going quickly and quietly without disrupting the learning of others


+All of the above and… 

+Keep feet and chair legs on the ground

+All of the above and… +Listen to others when they have the floor

+Monitor your airtime

+All of the above and…

+Be prepared for each class with all materials

+Clean your space before you leave 

While using Technology

+Keep passwords to yourself

+Keep your personal information private

+Write emails and chats that you would be okay with your grandmother reading

+Treat school property with respect and remember it is a privilege to have technology access

+Let a staff member know if you see something that makes you feel uncomfortable


+Keep feet on floor and hands to yourself

+Keep water in sinks and toilets/urinals

+Wash and dry your hands

+Respect privacy

+Wait your turn

+Use a quiet voice

+Use the loo quickly and go back to class


+Clean the space you used

+Report supply shortage or issues to staff

Lunch Room/Lunch Time

+Eat and touch your own food

+Stay seated while eating

+Ask questions to start conversations

+Look for people sitting alone and invite them to eat with you

+Clean up after yourself

+Wait to be excused by staff


+Leave bark chips, sticks, and rocks on the ground

+Keep feet on the ground

+Use the far entrance to the rugby field

+Include anyone who wants to play

+Take turns

+Encourage others

+Listen to staff when whistle blows

+Put equipment away

In-School Application of Behavior Standards

In-school consequences will be used whenever possible so students remain at school to work through issues, rather than returning home. In the event that a student’s behavior becomes disruptive to the educational setting, the student will be removed from class to work independently in a quiet study area. Once the behavior issues are identified by the student/staff, reflections have been gathered, and dialogue with all parties has taken place, the student will be able to rejoin the learning community. It is up to the discretion of the administrator whether the parents/guardians need to be notified of these behaviors if they are a single occasion. If they become a pattern for the student, parents/guardians will be notified and brought into the problem solving process as a team member. 



We believe that conflict resolution is best done face-to-face. Within these interactions, when all parties operate with the assumption that everyone is acting with good intentions, a positive resolution can often be reached. This stance informs our teaching around how students interact with others, as well as how TRCS staff members seek to resolve issues.


Possible Resolution Strategies: 

  1. Set an appointment with the other party to meet face-to-face. If either party is uncomfortable meeting one-on-one, a staff member’s presence can be requested. 
  2. Send a polite email addressing your concerns and seeking solutions.
  3. Make a phone call to speak to the other party directly.
  4. Drop a note in a staff member’s mailbox or send an email to staff. 
  5. For any student-to-student conflict, students can add their concern to the Class Meeting Agenda. These concerns typically involve recess issues, locker crowding, and other grievances that come up when we are together in one space. 

If either party is not satisfied with the resolution of the conflict, they can contact the administrator or the board for further information and/or steps to resolve the issue. 


Please note that incidents that occur outside of school and are not “school related” are beyond our control unless they impact student learning. If such issues cause a disruption to the school environment, we will address them accordingly. 



The Board of Directors and TRCS staff will adhere to West Linn-Wilsonville School District and the State of Oregon’s policies recommended for suspensions and expulsions. Activities/scenarios that involve weapons, drugs, alcohol, violence, and/or gang activity may result in an expulsion process.   


Minor and Major Offenses:

While the staff at TRCS will make every effort to engage with students before reaching more severe consequences, there are some rules that need to be handled in ways beyond a conversation once they’ve been broken. 


The infractions listed below are serious and may be cause for suspension (in-school or out-of-school) and/or recommendation for expulsion. This is not a comprehensive list. Students who engage in these infractions on or near school property or at any school-sponsored activity on or off campus are subject to possible suspension (in-school or out-of-school) and/or expulsion. 

Offenses that may warrant suspension: 

  • Open acts of defiance or disrespect towards staff, students, or community members (physical, verbal, or written).
  • Profane, obscene, hateful, or abusive language or actions toward staff, students or community members (verbal or written) including but not limited to the non-discrimination policy.  
  • Pranks resulting in excessive damage and expense. 
  • Leaving school premises or a school-sponsored activity without permission. 
  • Disturbance or disruption of the learning community that threatens or interferes with the learning and/or safety of others. 
  • Failure to obey transportation regulations. 
  • Failure to adhere to school technology policies.
  • Repeated and willful acts of plagiarism.
  • Assault or violence toward anyone, including threat or other clear intent thereof (physical, verbal, or written threats or intimidation included). 
  • Harassment of others, including sexual harassment, cyber bullying, intimidation including but not limited to the non-discrimination policy.  
  • Use or possession of any weapon on school grounds.
  • Evidence of drinking or possession of illegal/unauthorized substances including tobacco or narcotics in any form. 
  • Sale of a narcotic, illegal/unauthorized drug, substance, or alcohol.
  • Theft of school or personal property.
  • Malicious destruction of or damage to school or personal property. 


Potential Actions after First Offense (from the list above):    

The administrator shall:

  • Notify the parents/guardians of the student’s offense and request a conference with appropriate parties. 
  • In some cases, the need to notify the appropriate law enforcement/juvenile agency may exist.
  • Suspend the student for up to seven (7) calendar days for violation of the school rules with the option of expulsion recommendation. 

If suspended (in school or out of school), the student may be readmitted if the following conditions are met: 

  • A meeting with all involved parties as well as the administrator and counselor. 
  • An individual behavior contract is signed with parent/guardian/administrator/student signatures. 


In the Event of Additional Offenses, Especially After a Suspension, or a Repeat Offense:

The administrator shall:

  • Proceed with the next suspension process or an expulsion process.
    • Suspension: Temporary termination of enrollment, until stipulated conditions are met.  As established by OAR 581- 21 – 065, the administrator or designee, will limit suspensions to a specific maximum number of days, not to exceed nine (9) school days.
  • Expulsion: Termination of enrollment for extended period per procedures established by OAR 582 – 21 – 070. Chairman of the Board of Directors and Superintendent (or Charter School Liaison) of West Linn Wilsonville School District will be immediately informed of this event and expulsion procedures will be followed



Attendance Policy

Student attendance is critical to school success. In the event of an absence, parents/guardians must notify the school office. We ask that all attendance-related messages are sent by email to [email protected] or called in to the office by 8:30 A.M. on the day of the absence to confirm the absence with school staff. We report attendance figures to the West Linn-Wilsonville School District and the State of Oregon.  


Extended Absences

Following state law, students who are absent more than ten (10) consecutive days will be contacted by phone or email and removed from Three Rivers Charter School. We will make every effort to make sure that parents/guardians/students are informed prior to the tenth (10th) day of absence. When a student has been withdrawn from TRCS, if they would like to return, they must request to be added to the waitlist. If the TRCS Board determines that they would like to grant a leave of absence, they may do so if parent/guardian/student initiates this process at the administration level.


Tardy Policy 

In the event of excessive tardies (more than five in a term), a student may be asked to make up the work/time missed from their first class of the day. This will occur at a designated time chosen by staff. We will notify parents/guardians by email on the fourth (4th) tardy to inform them and also inform the student. TRCS Staff are working on updating this policy during our August 2023 In-Service. We will update you accordingly. 


Family Vacation

We ask that you plan family vacations outside of school days. In the event of an impending extended absence, we ask that families notify the school staff as early as possible. We ask that students communicate with teachers regarding work that could be completed over a vacation, but ask that the student is prepared to do make-up work when they return. 


Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather, TRCS follows the decisions of the WLWV School District. Weather announcements impacting schools will be posted through the FlashAlert System (or a similar system) and visible on the WLWV District website. FlashAlert messages may be sent directly to a mobile phone or email. TRCS will make every effort to communicate this to our population as well. Visit to sign up directly. In addition, any changes may be viewed on the West Linn-Wilsonville School District website:



Three Rivers Charter School policy on medications is in accordance with current state law. (OAR 581-021-0037) The term "medication" refers to both prescription and over the counter (OTC) medications. Medications will be administered during the school day if they are necessary for the child to remain in school. All medications will be brought to the school by the parent or guardian. A medication administration form will need to be filled out. Students are not allowed to transport medication. TRCS will not provide any OTC medications for students. Medication will need to be brought to school in the original labeled container. If prescription medication, the label will need to include the child's name, doctor name, name of drug, dosage and frequency. If an OTC, the container will bear the original manufacturer's label and the child's name. All prescription medication will need to be counted by the parent/guardian and a school staff person upon its arrival at TRCS. The parent or guardian will complete an authorization for medication form for each medication brought to school. A copy of this form is available at TRCS. Herbal and dietary supplements will not be administered during the school day. Self-medication is allowed for any medication that is not a controlled substance. For a student to self-medicate, the parent/guardian and student will sign the self-medication agreement, the parent/guardian will complete the authorization for medication form and the physician will sign the Authorization for Medication. These papers need to be on file in the school health office prior to the student bringing the medication to school (this includes both OTCs and prescriptions). Students that are self-medicating will do so without any guidance or supervision from school staff. The student who is self-medicating will carry a one-day supply only and the medication will be in the original labeled container. Students may carry their own inhalers for asthma but must adhere to all regulations pertaining to self-medication. If your child will be taking medication at school, you may obtain a copy of the policy and regulations, in their entirety from TRCS.


Illness at School 

If a student is not feeling well during the school day, they are to report this first to the teacher. If the teacher determines it necessary, the student will be sent to the office. A staff member will assess the student. If a student has a fever of 100°F or above or has vomited, the office staff will call a parent/guardian or emergency contact for the student to be picked up. The student will not be allowed to return to class and must be taken home. 


Communication with Families

Parents/guardians are responsible for providing current contact information. We rely on this for emergency situations as well as other important school updates. We utilize electronic communication from school to home, including our website at which is updated frequently with important dates, news, and schedule changes. We also send out the Wave (our weekly electronic newsletter), report cards, and any important schedule updates via email. It is critical that we have a current email address for each parent/guardian to ensure delivery of this information.


Food Sensitivities and Allergies

Parents/guardians must notify the office of any food allergies and/or sensitivities. TRCS will provide alternative snacks to accommodate some allergies, but we cannot provide for ALL allergies/sensitivities. 

  • With any dietary restrictions, parents/guardians must provide alternative snacks/treats to be stored at TRCS for staff to have on hand to provide to the student. 
  • When TRCS offers lunches for purchase by students from outside vendors, the school will NOT be able to provide any alternate or special meals to accommodate food sensitivities or allergies. The purchases of these lunches are completely optional, so if your student has a dietary restriction, parents/guardians will need to provide a lunch on these days.  


Lunches and Nutrition at School 

TRCS does not offer a lunch program. Students must bring a lunch from home each school day. We ask that students bring a nutritious lunch & snack. Students are not allowed to share their lunch with others at any time.  During assigned lunch times, students are expected to remain seated at their table and not wander around. It is expected that students clean up after themselves after the meal. 


We realize that sometimes lunches are forgotten. We can provide a replacement lunch for your student and we charge $5.00 per lunch.  We will send you an email on the day that your child was charged for a lunch. Students will not receive their report card if lunch charges are not paid in full by the end of the term. 


School Fees

Fees for activities will be determined by TRCS and communicated to parents/guardians. We make every effort to keep these minimal. 


Damaged or Lost School Materials

Students are responsible for replacing or paying for damages or materials at current market prices. Report cards will be withheld until materials have been paid for or replaced.


Student Lockers 

Students will be assigned a working and clean locker to use throughout the school year. Students are not allowed to open a locker not assigned to them. Misuse or mismanagement could result in temporary or permanent loss of locker use. TRCS is not responsible for any missing or stolen property from student lockers. Students have the option to use a padlock on their locker, as long as they give the combination to the office. 


Student Dress Policy

While we understand that the clothing our students choose are related to fashion trends, our top priority each day is to maintain a professional place of learning. Our belief is that school is the training ground for future job expectations. Clothing and attire will honor individual expression, while not offending others in the school environment. Students are expected to wear appropriate, respectful clothing to school. 


We make every effort to go outside weather permitting, so it is important to have appropriate clothing each day at school and layers for the weather. Students may bring umbrellas for use outside, though they must be stored in their locker, when both dry and wet. 


Hats, Hoods, and Head Coverings

Students are allowed to wear hats, hoods, beanies, etc. to school. All non-religious headwear must be appropriate for school and without offensive language or logos. Students must respect all wearers of hats and not touch them or remove them from a classmate’s head. Students may be asked to remove non-religious head coverings during testing or other activities.



To protect and respect the privacy of all students and staff, students are not allowed to take pictures of other students or staff on school premises with personal devices or using any school-owned equipment without permission. Photos taken by TRCS equipment for school use (i.e., yearbook, slide shows, etc.) are allowed. Please see the technology policy that follows for further information on video and picture sharing apps. Similarly, audio and video recordings on personal devices or school-owned equipment is not allowed unless express permission is granted. 


Lost & Found

At the end of each term, lost and found contents will be taken to Goodwill, or a similar donation center. The lost & found is located by the front desk, and all items left inside or outside will be stored there until the end of the term.



Pets from home are not allowed at school.



Student birthdays are celebrated during morning meetings by student choice. We ask that students bring a wrapped book or other school supply to donate to TRCS in lieu of any treats or snacks. 



Students use a daily planner to record homework, project deadlines, and other important dates. Teachers will ask to see planners to make sure work is recorded properly from time to time. Planners are provided by TRCS to the students at no cost. Planners will be provided to all students in the first week of school. 



Plagiarism is defined as the representation of the words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic work. This includes “cutting and pasting” from a document into a student’s own work. Students learn throughout their time at Three Rivers how to properly source and cite relevant research. 



See technology policy for student technology use. Adults entering the building should silence mobile phones and refrain from using them to respect our learning environment.   





Personal Electronic Devices 

Three Rivers has enough school-owned Chromebooks to supply each student with one. Students should not bring their own laptops, iPads, mobile phones, etc. to school. Students may bring a Kindle or other similar reading device, but it should only be used for reading - no games or Internet surfing. Similarly, students may wear smart watches, but understand that for some testing, they will need to be removed. If this is the case, TRCS staff will ensure the watch is returned to the student once testing is finished. Students are expected to sign into school-owned Chromebooks with their TRCS login information and not a personal Google account. Students have the same filters as other district schools and are expected to respect and honor appropriate uses of the internet. 


We understand that some students will carry a mobile phone with them. We are a no-cell phone zone for students and ask that if a parent/guardian would like their student to have a mobile phone while at school, it remains in their locker on silent. Phones that ring, beep, chirp, etc. during the school day will be kept in the office until the end of the day. In the event that a student’s mobile phone or other electronic device rings, etc. a second time (on a different day), the phone will be kept in the office and a parent/guardian will be asked to pick up the device. 


TRCS Owned Laptops, iPads, Chromebooks, and Kindles

TRCS students are responsible for loss or damage to any TRCS owned equipment while in use including, but not limited to, dropping equipment or spilling liquid into/onto equipment. Any repairs or replacement costs will be the financial responsibility of that student/family. All technology on school grounds or at school-sponsored activities, whether personal or school property, may only be used for academic purposes. 



Student accounts will be monitored for appropriate use, content, and language at all times. If students abuse or disregard these guidelines, they will face school imposed sanctions. In addition, students are not allowed to use personal email accounts to send or receive emails during the day, whether on their own device or a TRCS-owned device. TRCS student emails only work within the @3rcs domain, therefore students cannot send or receive email outside of our organization. In the event that students need to contact someone outside of TRCS for a school-related purpose, the classroom teacher can be a proxy. 



Passwords provided by TRCS are for TRCS students and parents/guardians. We will provide all passwords for students and recover any lost or forgotten passwords. Passwords or other account credentials are not to be shared and may not be changed by students once assigned by TRCS. Violation of this policy may result in loss of technology privileges.



Three Rivers shall promote non-discrimination and an environment free of harassment based on an individual's race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, parental or marital status or age or because of the race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, parental or marital status or age of any other persons with whom the individual associates. In keeping with requirements of federal and state law, TRCS strives to remove any vestige of discrimination in employment, assignment, and promotion of personnel; in educational opportunities and services offered students; in student assignment to schools and classes; in student discipline; in location and use of facilities; in educational offerings and materials; and in accommodating the public at public meetings. The board encourages staff to improve human relations within the schools and to establish channels through which citizens can communicate their concerns to the administration and the board. The Administrator shall appoint and make known the individuals to contact on issues concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, and other civil rights or discrimination issues.


Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."

  • Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school. 
  • Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information.
  • Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student's education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):
    • School officials with legitimate educational interest;
    • Other schools to which a student is transferring;
    • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
    • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
    • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
    • Accrediting organizations;
    • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena; 
    • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
    • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.

Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.

Three Rivers Charter School - OSBA Policies

Three Rivers Charter School has adopted numerous Oregon School Board Association Policies (OSBA). A comprehensive list of these policies and their updates can be found here:


Additionally, here are two policies that we feel are an important part of our school and culture. 


Code: JF/JFA 

Adopted: 8/25/21  


Student Rights and Responsibilities 


The public charter school board has the responsibility to afford students the rights that are theirs by virtue of guarantees offered under federal and state constitutions and statutes. In connection with these rights are responsibilities that must be assumed by students.  Among these student rights and responsibilities are the following:  


  1. Civil rights — including the rights to equal educational opportunity and freedom from discrimination; the responsibility not to discriminate against others; 
  2. Once admitted, the responsibility to attend school regularly and to observe school rules essential for permitting others to learn at school; 
  3. The right to due process of law with respect to suspension, expulsion and decisions which the student believes injure their rights; 
  4. The right to free inquiry and expression; the responsibility to observe reasonable rules regarding these rights; 5. The right to privacy, which includes privacy with respect to the student’s education records. 


Students have the right to know the behavior standards expected of them as well as to know the consequences of misbehavior.  


Students’ rights and responsibilities, including standards of conduct, will be made available to students, their parents and employees through information distributed annually. 


Code: ACB 

Adopted: 10/11/21 

Revised/Readopted: 1/27/22  

Every Student Belongs  


All students are entitled to a high quality educational experience, free from discrimination or harassment based on perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin. 


All employees are entitled to work in an environment that is free from discrimination or harassment based on perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin. 


All visitors are entitled to participate in a school or educational environment that is free from discrimination or harassment based on perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin. 


“Bias incident” means a person’s hostile expression of animus toward another person, relating to the other person’s perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin, of which criminal investigation or prosecution is impossible or inappropriate. Bias incidents may include derogatory language or behavior. 


“Symbol of hate” means nooses (1), symbols of neo-Nazi ideology or the battle flag of the Confederacy. 


The public charter school prohibits the use or display of any symbols of hate on school property (2) or in an education program (3) except where used in teaching curriculum that is aligned with state standards of education for public schools. 


In responding to the use of any symbols of hate or bias incidents, the public charter school will use non disciplinary remedial action whenever appropriate. 


The public charter school prohibits retaliation against an individual (4) because that individual has in good faith reported information that the individual believes is evidence of a violation of a state or federal law, rule or regulation. 


Nothing in this policy is intended to interfere with the lawful use of public charter school facilities pursuant to a lease or license.    


The public charter school will use administrative regulation ACB-AR - Bias Incident Complaint Procedure to process reports or complaints of bias incidents. 


(1) The display of a noose on public property with the intent to intimidate may be a Class A Misdemeanor under Senate Bill 398 (2021).  

(2) “School property” means any property under the control of the public charter school. 

(3) “Education program” includes any program, service, school or activity sponsored by the public charter school. 

(4) ORS 659.852 prohibits retaliation only against students. Other statutes (and other complaint procedures) prohibit retaliation against staff and others for reporting or providing information regarding a complaint or investigation.  


I have read and understand the policies and procedures contained in the Three Rivers Charter School Handbook. I understand that school years are dynamic and these policies could change. The organization will make every effort to alert parents/guardians of any major changes/additions to these policies. I have discussed this handbook with my parent/student. 


We both agree to adhere to and uphold all of these policies throughout the 2023-2024 School Year. 

Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________


Parent Printed Name: ________________________________________________  Date: ______________


Student Signature: __________________________________________________


Student Printed Name: _______________________________________________  Date:______________