7th Grade Advisory Assignments

Megan Elston
2019-20 School Year - Term One
2019-20 School Year - Term Two
2019-20 School Year - Term Three
Advisory combines our previous Learning Studio class (typing, Google Apps for Education, leadership planning, etc.) with a homeroom-style class where we can discuss what is going on at school, in our classes, and in our community, as well as exploring ourselves as learners.

Assignment Calendar

Upcoming Assignments RSS Feed

No upcoming assignments.

Past Assignments


Community Service Poll in Google Classroom

Community Service Poll


Leadership Week Assignment in Google Classroom

Leadership Week Assignment

Option #1 - Submit a leadership proposal form with your group or individually. Make sure your name is on the form with your group members so you all get credit!
Option #2 - Write a thorough and thoughtful letter about why you don't have a leadership proposal just yet. What makes you nervous about leadership? What makes you excited? What can the TRCS staff do to help you feel like you are a part of your grade’s leadership? Do you have any ideas for spirit days? These are just some prompts to get you thinking. Please feel free to write more.

Due on Friday 9/27 - you may turn in a paper copy (handwritten or typed) or submit a form or reflection here.