Parents » Support TRCS!

Support TRCS!

There are many ways to support TRCS! 
Fundraising is a constant event here at TRCS. Because we receive less funding than the surrounding schools, it is imperative that we cut costs as much as possible, but larger than that, provide the strongest educational program possible. We try to offer different opportunities to support TRCS so that families can participate at all levels. We hope to continue to offer both social activities along with fundraisers that will allow for all of our community to find many positive reasons to belong to the TRCS community.
  • Kids First Giving Campaign - This is our primary fundraising campaign to help us cover the gap in funding.  Each family makes a choice and commitment to TRCS in the spring of the year. We ask that they assist in the financial obligations of this educational organization each year by making a pledge. These donations, which constitute 30% of our operating budget, are crucial for our long-term financial health.
  • Fundraising Opportunities - At least one opportunity in late fall or early winter to assist parents with Outdoor School costs. Examples of these fundraisers include gift wrap sales and candy sales.
  • Other events as needed to cover the shortfall of our school’s yearly budget - in recent years this has been a Fall Fun Run and a Spring BBQ with a small auction. 
There are also other easy ways to support TRCS, just by doing your regular, everyday shopping! Below are the organizations that give back to TRCS with your ordinary purchases. There is no extra cost to you, it just takes a few moments to link up your information! 
Simply click on each of the organizations below to be connected to the sign up pages for each! And thank you for supporting our school! 
Please use our organization number GC823 to link your Fred Meyer Rewards card to Three Rivers Charter School! Fred Meyer generously donates a percentage of each qualifying purchase you make directly to our school - at no additional cost to you! 
Do you shop at Market of Choice? You could be supporting TRCS every time you grab groceries! Just click the link on the left to be connected to the eScrip program. All you need to do is enter your information and a portion of your purchases come right back to our school. So easy!
Whether shopping for your home office or your office away from home, you can help support TRCS! Use our school ID 70123287 with each purchase and we will receive 5% back on participating items!